Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So . . . That Was Fun

 (Winner for my favorite political picture of the year. I had to put it as the cover picture)

When I first created this blog back in April, I only intended it to be that forum where I could practice my writing and entertain my friends. As any entertainer knows, there are only two subjects that polarize your audience: religion and politics. I told myself that I would steer clear of the religious and political arenas so that I didn't alienate anyone kind enough to stop by and read my ramblings. Then came last night's election. And while the dust settled and Obama was reelected for another term, the nation began to divide in the most sophisticated political arena the world has ever seen . . . . Facebook.
Presidential Election of 2012. Even the name alone has a sense of foreboding to it which I totally blame on those pesky Mayans not knowing how to count higher then that. The heat was on during the debates where it seemed like Obama and Romney were about to start "a rumble" that I could only assume would look like something from West Side Story or two nerds playing Magic: The Gathering.
However, I love it when intelligent, grown men fight. Sometimes, even the most highly educated man just can't hold on to his composure, and craziness starts spewing from their lips. I don't know about you, but I would have loved to see Romney throw one of his "binders full of women" at Obama during the skirmish. That would have been the first debate I watch on repeat...and I'd add sound effects if possible, in the style of America's Funniest Home Videos:  Take THAT Romney - HONK!  In your face Obama - CUCKOO!
Tension was not defused in the Foreign Policy debate when Romney wanted to give more money (somewhere in the trillion range) to the Navy to build more warships because our country hasn't built another one in over 50 years. Obama rebutted with a reminder to Romney that our country doesn't budget for horses and bayonets anymore either, and the economy can't support the expensive and unnecessary "game of Battleship" he wants to play.
That was about the point that "Presidential Election of 2012" got ugly. I knew it was coming when right after the debate, Rachel Maddow stated: "We're going to see if soulless shape-shifting has a cost," in response to the comments made by Romney. The next day . . . the war had begun. I watched daily as posts on Facebook turned friend against friend, brother against brother, uncle against nephew, and that was only Jason's page. I watched as hilarious pictures were posted, and then turned to other friends who were offended, even though they had no clue what they meant. Example:
Celebrities were coming out of the wood work to share their political views, including my hero Joss Whedon:
But in the end, nobody wins in a Facebook civil war. Can't we go back to the time when Facebook meant more then that? Where nobody ever said something mean or offensive about one another. Where our children could maintain their Famrville Farm, and we would never have to worry about what kind of garbage they would be reading. You know what I am talking about?

What's that? Facebook was never that place? You're kidding. Well there goes my whole point of this blog. What am I suppose to close on now? (Sigh) I guess I will just post my favorite comments I have read through the Election.

In no particular order, these are direct quotes from Facebook that I just copied and pasted.


"Fuck Obama won thus suck we're all fucked yay."
- Amanda Maitland

"The ONLY time I want to watch Fox News is RIGHT after a Democrat is elected President!!!"
 -Karina Hoel

"Sucks to be a Republican right about now."
- Matthew Herrmann

"Oh man, I was so busy being grateful that Romney lost, I totally forgot about that dbag Ryan. DOUBLE WIN!!"
- Megan Rosenfeld

"So Obama won. Looks like another 4 years of high unemployment. Shitty health care. Mean while he take Air Force one on another 3 yr vacation. Slogan should be no we can't and forward after taking 5 steps back"
-Carlos Quezada 

"Politics make people crazy! I'll be happy when the election is over.. I mean it's good to voice your opinion, but getting into heated arguments like its religion... Ridiculous! Just go vote and call it a day"
-Jessa Pollard 

"My only political rambling is that people who don't go vote have ZERO right to bitch. I voted!! I feel so accomplished! :)"
- Lindsay Stansfield

"I voted with my brain and my heart... Not with my wallet."
-Nate Heape
 "Pls vote everyone. It took me 10 minutes."
-Chelsea Handler

"So America has elected Obama to serve another term! So let him be bold, be brave and be great like America and the world needs him to be."
-Garbage (It was signed Sx. I think that's Shirley, but it might be Steve)

"Well, once you go black . . ."
- George Takei

"(In response to someone asking me if I was voting for Romney) Why yes. Then I'm going to pollute the planet, lie about it, fire the whistle blower who told on me, and attempt to buy another election so I can do it all again with impunity. Then I'm going to fix it so rich white men like me are freed of these stupid restrictions; keep women, minorities and homosexuals in their place; and insure that poor people stay that way. Oh wait-- you mean I'm NOT one of the Koch brothers? Okay.... Ummmm.... No, I guess I won't be voting for Romney."
- Tara Ormonde

"I am not a middle aged white man, so voting for Romney would clearly be a vote for someone who does not have my best interest."
- Virgina Huckaby 

"Welp, now all us hard working middle class people with jobs that are supporting all these losers with no jobs, 4 kids, and a shared iPhone plan from sprint for both baby's mamas... You now know where your taxes will be goin for the next 4 years. Again. Good shit America."
-Christian Pa'u
"(In response to above comment) O Christian.. So negative, frankly, I'm ecstatic.. Cuz my ass woulda gotten deported -just sayin lol."
-Roselle Mariano 

"Thank you America for embracing the value of freedom and justice...WE DID IT!! :) I guess I don't have to understand what Romney supporters saw in him because Maury Povich just explained it correctly.."
-Scott Ruiz

"I hope everyone who voted for Obama enjoys the massive tax increase due to hit at the beginning of 2013 as Bush's tax cuts will expire; yes those tax cuts expiring affect us all. That means that those of us who make less than $30,000 a year will see about $1,500 less a year and most middle-class families will see about $4,000 less a year. Unless of course President Obama comes through with his promise of tax cuts for the middle-class."
- Brent Clark

"Now im not a political man but I think its really funny that I see so many people that are against Obama and think that they're lives are going down the shitter for another 4 yrs if hes re elected.. hate to break it to everyone buuut America was in the shitter for years before Obama came to office. Progress is a slow process... Rome wasn't built in a day... and you can't run with the big dogs if you piss like a puppy. Pick your poison but in all fairness Obama came into a shit storm of a situation and I kinda feel no matter who was elected president would have had their work cut out for them. Stop making complaints and pointing fingers at Obama supporters. Your Romni vote counted just as much as any one of Obama's."
- Chris Williams

"Why is it that when people don't get their way they automatically turn into ugly, name calling children? Boggles my mind! It was an election and it didn't turn out how YOU wanted it, get over it! You win some, you lose some and this one obviously wasn't yours! How about growing up, accepting it and making the best of it!!"
- Joshua Stewart 

"I say to us as Americans, let us all truly begin to work together to make this nation better than it is. We have work to do and it can only be accomplished by working together and not splitting us as a people. Congratulations America for your votes, now let's get to work."
- Jason Colby

Dear Reader,
I would like to remind readers that none of the above quotes are my own, these are all people I love and respect. Even though I tease them, it doesn't give anyone a license to ridicule them for their beliefs. Please understand that I am not making a political statement, but a freaking joke. If you must debate, please do it like a gentleman, and challenge them to a game.  May I suggest Battleship?

Much Love,
Topher Huckaby

1 comment:

  1. For the record: I love you! And This:"But in the end, nobody wins in a Facebook civil war." is so freaking true. I avoid that s**t like the plague!

    It gets me more mad than i like, and NOBODY likes me when I am angry!
